«Post-disciplinary discourse» of archetypal research: formulation of the problem

  • Mamychev A.Yu.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia
    Doctor of Political Science, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law


As object of the real work modern transformation of research programs in social science acts. An object of research is the post-disciplinary strategy of archetypic researches of the public and power organization. The author offers an interpretation of development of cross-disciplinary and post-disciplinary strategy and the practical of scientific research and carries out a ratio and interaction of the last in the context of knowledge of archetypic bases of the sociocultural organization. In work the substantial description of the “post-disciplinary field” of archetypic researches focused on reconstruction of various elements, relations, communications, contexts and welfare artifacts which are involved in a communicative interaction of people is given. Separately in article problems of post-disciplinary strategy of archetypic researches and its basic program provisions are discussed.

As conclusions is proved that archetypic bases represent steady “axial elements”, the general orientations and formal models which are involved in concrete historical practicians of continuation (reproduction), restructuring and accommodation of sociocultural integrity. In turn, sociocultural archetypes are considered as the “specific material” providing successive reassembly of political, legal, social and economic spaces at various stages of evolution of concrete society.

The author proves that through comparison, imitation and creative use of sociocultural canons is carried out successive development of sociocultural integrity this process of “eternal return” or “the same creation” archetypic is invariable, but this invariance belongs to an order of the action (a reconstruction of a community, its structuring, ordering, valuable and standard registration, etc.), but not action of deterministic regularities – to manifestation same archaic material in new welfare conditions.

Keywords: archetype, discourse, culture, society, public and power organization, social integrity, transformation of a sociality, valuable and standard system.